[ Vol. V
at a discount and hypocracy is the fashion of the day; ethical standards are being easily smashed with no just substitutes being put in their places; the scientist has achieved great things, but he is playing in the hands of the politician, capitalist and the mad nationalist; today the world is made a big family which has one mind but unfortunately not one heart, competition and exploitation backed by brutal force are the current coins in the socalled international affairs, and mutual good will and sympathy are no more there; property is more valuable than humanity; love, liberty, justice etc, have become hollow terms of fashionable use; language is not being used for mutual understanding but to misinterpret and twist the simple facts and to mislead and deceive each others; motives are conveniently concealed and downright liars are hailed as diplomats; most barbarous and carnivorous crimes are committed under the decent names of civilization and nationalism, and palpably false reports are shamelessly broadcast to the reading and hearing public: in short, the materialistic forces switched on by abnormal possessive instincts are shaking today the very nerves of the human society. At such a critical hour in the history of mankind, I can only pray that Bahubali's life and his image that stand for all that is true, beneficial, and beautiful, might inspire in us permanent ethical and spiritual values and lead us on from darkness to light:
सत्त्वेषु मैत्रीं गुणिषु प्रमोदं क्लिष्टेषु जीवेषु कृपापरत्त्रम् । माध्यस्थमावं वीपरीतवृत्तौ सदा ममात्मा विदधातु देव ॥