[ Vol. V
literature to trace the above verse in P. Gupta's one of the two Sanskrit works." If the author of the name Prajñākara Gupta mentioned by Malayagiri is identical with the celebrated Buddhist logician of that name we may safely fix A. D. 1050 or so as the other limit to the date of Malayagiri. It would thus be seen that the date of Malayagirisuri may be taken to lie between A. D. 1100 and 1175.
1. One of these two works viz, the Praminavārllık ilamkira has been fortunately recovered for us by Rahula Sänkityāyana [Vide p 42 of Jour, Bihar and Orissa Res. Soc. Vol. XXI (March 1935)]. The MS described by him consists of 59 leaves and contains Chapters II and Ill of the work. This MS has been published in the June 1935 issue of the above journal (pp 1 to 158) The published portion is fragmentary as it begins from the Karik 330 of the text (vide p 63). It ends with Kariki 539 (p. 158) and is called Cf Colopon “प्रमाणवार्तिकालङ्कारे पत्यक्षपरिच्छेदो द्वितीय:" which corresponds to the 3rd Pariccheda of the text of the Pramanavarttika as stated by the Editor in the footnote on p, 158.
2. In the Abhidhanarijendra Vol VI (1923) p. 156 there is a small article on Malayagırı but it contains no historical information about this author. The compilers of this encyclopaedia, however observe “ मलयगिरे समयो गुरुपरंपरादिकं च न ज्ञायते तथापि हरिभद्रसूरे रर्वाक्तन इति ज्ञायते"
The date of Haribhadrasuri 18 about 750 A. D.