BY P. K. Godo, M. A.
Winternitz' in his History of Indian Literature states that a MS of Malayagiri's Commentary on Karmaprakrli is dated 1395 A. D., a MŠ of the Commentary on the Nandi Sūtra is dated 1235 AD., a MS of the Commentary on the Vyavahāra Satra is dated 1253 A.D. Peterson ? refers to the several works of Malayagiri and states that this writer's Sabdānusāsana was written in the reign of Kumarapala. Kielhorn 3 states that one of Malayagiri's works was composed in Kumārapāla's reign between 1143 and 1174 A.D. I wonder why Winternitz has not recorded the above date for Malayagiri as given by Kielhorn and referred to by Peterson. In case he had any doubts in accepting the date given by Kielhorn we shall have to see if these doubts are justified on the strength of other evidence in support or against Kielhorn's date for Malayagiri. 4
In the Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Jain Bhandars at Patan there are certain dated MSS. of works, the author of which is stated to be Malayagiri. These MSS may be recorded as follows with their dates :
| 1165
Sumvat. A. D. Place of Deposit. 22 | aszffet (azlea) fast 1332 1276 Sarghavi Pada ___टीका of मलयगिरि।
Bhāņdār. 43 Terfa by Hopefife I 1258
Do. 94 Pigent ala by Hanafifi 1290 1234 सप्ततिका टीका by मलयगिरि । 1221
Do. 201 Saatli 21351
1480 1424 1. His. of Ind. Lit., Vol. II, 1933 (Calcutta Univ.) p. 592 fn. 2. 2. Fourth Report, 1894, Index of Authors p. Ixxxviii. Works of Malayagiri mentioned by Peterson are :
(1) SUTEITHERIOT, 1 (2) FEITELITI (3) Tretenc)2011 (4) Foto Tesfaciet I (5) Tafaretiraler I (6) TETTHETETA I (7) Steri (8) Faela Slati (9) Togtaktai
3. Report on Palm-leaf MSS (1880-81), p. 45–Kielhorn observes :--" The instance seetracentrala: on folio 255(b) proves that the work was composed in the reign of Kumārapāla between 1143 and 1174 A. D."
4. Compiled by Dalal and Gandhi, Baroda, Vol. I, 1937.