However, his greatest honour is in terms of sixty-five literary works which is a substantive contribution both in quality and quantity to 20th Century Sanskrit literature. He started his literary career when he was only 18 years old and continues the same when he is 88 now. With three sons and one daughter, he has managed a large family with a much larger number of literary children.
It is a pleasure and honour to me that I am in close association with him for the last 25 years since I came to Bangalore. I wish a full critical appreciation of his works is undertaken by a Ph.D. student and a well annotated bibliography of his works is published.
Bangalore 1-1-1991
Prof. K. T. Pandurangi Former Prof. of Sanskrit Bangalore University
Upakulapathi, Poornaprajna Vidyapeetha President, Mythic Society and Chairman, Karnatak Sanskrit Sahitya Parishat.