characters here are courageous and hopeful. The Children as they grow become adventurous. All along the story it is women and young boys who lead the story through the major events. The emotions of Vira and Adbhuta i.e., heroism and wonder dominate. The emotions of pathos and love intervene here and there. There are no evil or wicked characters excepting one or two who are lusty and suffer for the same. No doubt the story starts because of the wickedness of one person i.e., Vrishaskandha but all the tragic turns later are due to unexpected circumstances and beyond human control. The truth that the journey of life is full of unpredictables is the lesson that can be drawn from this prose romance. We have already mentioned that presentation of the majesty of Sanskrit language and a series of rolling adjectives constitute the special features of the style in this work. This work is also rich in giving the information on arts, culture, ethics and human nature. We may quote one or two passages to give an idea of this aspect.
(i) क्रमशः प्रवर्धमाना जयंतिका वादित्रे चित्रे भरतशास्त्रे स्त्रीपुरुषलक्षणपरीक्षायां लवनकर्मणि अशेषभाषासु नानावेषेषु नूतनाख्यायिकादिकथानिर्माण नर्मालापे वीणावेण्वादिवाद्यकलापवादने गाने विचित्रपत्रभङ्गकर्मणि प्राणिशास्त्रे लवने लङ्घने विचित्रविविधक्रीडासु गम्भीरतरपरिहासे पत्रिकानिर्माणे काव्यपठने सरसोपन्यासे राजनीतौ कटुजनहृदयावर्जनभाषणे विविधविद्यासु च कौशलमवाप
Though the list appears to be conventional a few new items reflecting contemporary life are found here.
(i) किमपराद्धं मया नापहृतं परद्रव्यं, न हिंसिताः प्राणिनः, नोक्तानि अनृतानि, नापि चिंतिता मनसापि परपीडा, न कृतः कापुरुषसहवासः, न वञ्चितो लोकः, नाचरितं करं कर्म, न विनितं अवदातं कर्म ।