These divine personalities intervene in such a natural way that they are as good as human personalities. Co-operation between divine personalities and human personalities is so naturally presented in Sanskrit classics that no element of unreality is felt. The mix up of myth and reality in these stories does not affect the impact or the lessons of these stories on the reader's mind in any way. The cleavage between the myth and reality is never made an issue to receive the impact or draw the lesson. Same is the case when the supernatural elements or miracles are introduced. This prose romance is a mix up of myth and reality. There are some supernatural elements and miracles also. But these are not due to lack of creative talent to create at realistic level, nor do these hinder the impact or the lessons to be drawn from a creative work in a realistic way. These are a part of Classical Sanskrit style. The emotions are delineated and the events described do invoke a realistic response. One feels as if one reads a real story accepting the supernatural element and the miracles without much jarring. Readers of Sanskrit classics are very much used to these. The author of the present Prose romance has introduced some supernatural elements and miracles to progress his story and to create a vigorous emotional impact.
Charuvaktra obtains a boon from Narayana, undertakes a Vijayayatra over several countries, builds up a large army and ultimately kills Vrishaskandha, who was responsible for his father's death and the mother's misery. He is received at the capital of his father's Kingdom viz., the City of Vaijayanti by the old Minister Marunmāla and coronated. His mother Varamālini is very happy. This part of the story is covered in the first two Laharis or Sections.