NIRAYAVALIYAO faith got strengthened and right inclinations weakened.
93.35 followed by the figure 2 means that this word is to be repeated twice. So also 381 .
94. gogoce born in a high Brahmin. family. लोहकडाकडुच्छुयं तावसभण्डं घडावेत्ता, having got made copper pots with an iron frying pan and incense-stand. 11 TTT-The list of ascetics residing on the banks of the Ganges is interesting as it gives some idea about the religious practices current in the 6th century B.c. The list is found in Jain canonical literature at three places; in Ta xi. 9; farfars, 74, and here. There are some varients such as दक्षिणक्लगा for दक्षिणकला, but the most importantisaratand for so. The origin and meaning of all these words in uncertain. I have given in the glossary the one supplied by commentors. fraqué sed ganga faq scoot TRATTT, making their bodies as if roasted on charcoal fire or cowdung fire by means of seating themselves in the midst of burning fires. उड्ढं बाहाओ पगिज्झिय, holding my hands up.छटुच्छेगं अणिक्वित्तेणं, uninterrupted practice of observing fasts for three days when they are broken only as the time of the sixth meal. og HUT, a fast as described above.
95. a r ach, clad in bark garments. atas took on his shoulder the किढिणसंकाइय or कावड,sprinkled the eastern quarter and propritiated god ath, the guardian deity of this quarter in order to get the deity's permission to cull fruit and flowers for his use. After culling these afirs returns to his hut, prepares the holy fire, offers oblations and then takes his