81. आणन्द is an उपासक mentioned in the उसगCars.
83. कत्तिओ सेट्ठी is mentioned in भगवती, xviii, as a merchant residing in clear and getting ordination at the hand of मुनिसुव्रत. गङ्गदत्त is another उपासक mentioned in भगवती xvi, residing in हस्तिनापुर.
84. facris ETHÙ, one who violates the rules of conduct prescribed for monks. The fruit of oz is the attainment of emancipation, but violation in part of the rules of squa does not secure this object; at the same time partial observance secures for the monk & place in heaven as in the present case. Th e agarafe, on the divine bed and clad in divine garment. This refers to the way of the birth of gods.
85. Hier is fullness of faculties, such as good power of digestion, BTEITYST, and so forth. 37HICH, over and above.
91. fusainit- o in approaching ari did not take any of his pupils and hence he was called खाण्डियाविहुण, the word विहुण probably corresponding to विधेय, attendent boy or pupil. जत्ता ते भन्ते, how do you do? Già ? are you going on well? These questions addressed to a aflat reveal insolence on the part of an ordinary man. Similarly asking the ascetics their class in terms of that, he and grou, as if these ascetics are like grains of corn, does not indicate modesty on the part of art. The following explanation from efi's commentary is interesting:
'जत्ता ते भन्ते ! जवणिजं च ते!' इति प्रश्नः, तथा 'सरिसवया मासा कुलत्था एगे' भोजएण 'एगे भवं दुवे भवं' इति च । एतेषां च यात्रा