महइ-महती, f. of महत्, १३, name of the wife of great.
सुकाल. महम्गह-महाग्रह, ८९, the महापह-महापथ, ४०, a high great planet.
road. महग्घ-महाघे, १२, precious, महाफल-महाफल, ११, of महत्तरग-महत्त र क, १२, great merit, of great elderly person.
value. महब्बल-महाबल,१७८, name महाबल-महाबल, ७०, the of a prince.
name of the son of king महया-महत्, महता (Instr.) बल, mentioned in भगवती, ८, great.
११.११. महाकण्ह-महाकृष्ण, name of महामेह-महामेघ, ९३, a big सेणिय's son by his wife
fe cloud.
महाराया-महाराज, ९५, the महाकण्हा.
great king. महाकाल-महाकाल,६, name
महालिया-(महच्छदार्थे देशी), of सेणिय's son by his wife
१३, great. महाकाली.
महाविदेह-महाविदेह, ६४, महाणई-महानदी, ४०, a
__name of a region. great river.
महावीर-महावीर, २, the last महाधणू-महाधनुष, १६४, of theJain तीर्थकरs ;-१७०, name of बलदेव's son; agreat hero. name of the ninth महासुक्क-महाशुक्र, ७७, name chapter of वहिदसा. of the seventh beaven. महापउम-महापद्म, ६८,name महासुमिण-महास्वप्न, २४, a of the son of महापउमा, great dream. wife of सुकाल; name of महासेणकण्ह-महासेनकृष्ण, ६, the second chapter of
anter of name of murd's son by कप्पवडिंसिया,
his wife महासेणकण्हा. महापउमा-महापद्मा, ७५, महिय-मथित, १५, routed.