१४३ first chapter of कप्पवडिं- पक्खोलण-(प्रस्खलन:), १३०, सिया.
stumbling पउमगुम्म-पद्मगुल्म, ६८ , पगय-प्रकृत, १६४, name of name of the son of पउम- बलदेव's son; name of the गुम्मा, wife of वीरकण्ह: fifth chapter of वण्हिदसा. name of the seventh पगिज्झ-प्र+ग्रह (धातु ) ९४, chapter of कप्पवडिंसिया. Absolutive: पगिज्झिय ), पउमभद्द-पद्मभद्र, ६८, name to take up, to raise. of the son of पउमभद्दा, पङ्कप्पभा-पङ्कप्रभा, १८,name wife of 9606; name of of the fourth earth in the fifth chapter of कप्प- Jain cosmology. वडिंसिया.
पच्चक्खं-प्रत्यक्षम् , १६५, पउमसण-पद्मसेन, ६८.name actually, in person, inof the son of पउमसेणा,
____carnate. wife of महाकण्ण; name of पच्चणुभव-प्रति+अनु+भू(धातु), the sixth chapter of १२१, to experience. कप्पवासिया.
पचत्थिम-प्रति+अस्त+इम, ९६, पउमावई-पद्मावती, ८, name west of कूणिय's wife;-६९, पञ्चप्पिण-प्रति+अर्पय् (धातु), name of the wife ofकाल ११, to bring back a restep-brother of कूणिय. ply indicating that the पउर-प्रचुर, १६६, plenty. पओअ-प्रयोग, १३३, appli
to return.
पञ्चाया-प्रति+आ+जन् (धातु) cation. पक्खल-प्र+स्खल् (धातु), ९५, पञ्चट्रा-प्रति+उद्+स्था (धातु)
१२५, to be born. to fall, to stumble. पक्खिव-प्र+क्षिप् (धातु), ३३, ,९५, to stand up (Int, to put, to throw. . पच्चाहत्तए)