जत्ता-यात्रा, ५३, fight, जहा-यथा, २, as, just as.
march ;-९१, livelihood. जहोचिय-यथोचित, २२, as it: जन्न-यज्ञ, ९३, sacrifice. is proper. जन्नई-यज्ञकिन् (यज्ञयाजीत्यर्थः), जंघा-जंघा, १२१, knee.
९४, a sacrificer. जाइ-जाति, २, good birth, जप्पभिइ-यत्प्रमृति, १२४, जाइसंपन्न-जातिसंपन्न, २, of since when.
good birth. जम-यम, ९६, god of death जागर-जागृ (धातु), १०, tor जमाली जमाली, १८०, name keep awake.
of a क्षत्रिय prince and जागरिया-जागरिका,१०,wak'son-in-law of महावीर ing.
mentioned in भगवती,९.३३ जाण-याण, ११conveyance; जम्बुद्दीव-जम्बुद्वीप, ८, name carria of one of thercontinents जाणु-जानु, ११०, knee. of which our earth is a जातककम्म-जातककर्मन्,१२१, part..
_nursing of a child. जम्बू-जम्बू, ३, name of the जाय-याच्, (धातु)४१, to ask chief pupil of सुधर्मन, the for. fifth गणधर of महावीर जाय-जात, ३, grown.. जम्म-जन्मन्, २२,birth
जाव-यावत्, २, upto (used जम्मण-जन्मन्, ७०, birth
frequently to indicate जय-जि(धातु), १०, to win, passages which are not to be victorious (Future given in full in the text जइस्सइ etc)
and of which only the जलन्त-ज्वलत्, ९३, burning first and the last expresजलवासि-जलवासिन्, ९४. sions are given.)
dwelling in water. जावजीव-यावज्जीव, ९४, जल्ल-जल्ल?,११२,bodily dirt. (जावज्जीवाए) as long as जवणिज-यापनीय, ९१, to life lasts. have lived, livelihood. जिमिय-जेमित,१५६, dinner.