कुलत्थ-कुलत्थ, कुलस्थ, ९१, केवलकप्प-केवलकल्प, ७९, family man; a kind of full, complate, whole. corn.
केवलि-केवलिन्, ११४, one कुस-कुश, ९५, a kind of who has attained the sacrificial grass.
केवलज्ञान; महावीर. कुसील-कु शी ल, १२५, केसलोअ-केशलोच, १८९,
person of bad character. plucking out the hair. कूडागार-कूटागार,८०, a big केसी-केशिन्, २, a famous house with towers.
pupil of पार्श्वनाथ, menकूडाहच्च-कूटाघातम् ( कुट्टनेनेव । आहत्य इति टिप्पणम् ) १५, ,
___tioned in the रायपसोणियसुत्त killing by pounding or
कोइल-कोकिल,१६६, cuckoo crushing.
कोच-क्रौञ्च, १६६, a kind of कूणिअ-कूणिक, ८, (Nom. bird. कूणिए, Acc. कूणिय ),name को?अ-कोष्ठक, ८१, name of of सेणिय's, son, known aJain temple. in Buddhist literature कोट्टागार-कोष्ठागार, ३५, ३ as अजातशत्रु.
store house. कूर- कूर, १३०,cooked rice. कोडी-कोटी, ९, a crore कूलधम-कूलमा, ९४,a class कोडम्बिय-कौटुम्बिक , ११ , of ascetics who,standing belonging to the house on the bank of a river, or family cry aloud and then take कोहस्वियपरिस-कौटुम्बिकपुरुष their food.
to कूव-कु (धातु), १३०,
99, household servant speak aloud.
कोत्तिय-? ९४ , (भमिशायीति कोरिस-कीदृश, १९, of what टिप्पणम्) an ascetic sleepsort.
ing on the ground. केवइय-कैवतिक, ८६, how: कोप्पर-कूपर, ११०, elow: much.
कोस-कोश, ३५, treasure.