(वर्णकादिविस्तारः )
[This Appendix either aims at giving in extenso the passages which are not given in full in the body of the text, or supplies references of such passages. Usually, long descriptions given in the first appendix of my edition of the Uvasagadasão, are simply referred to, while others are supplied here. The first figure refers to the para and the second to the line of the para.]
1. 2. रिद्ध" etc. The descriptions of the city will be found on page 119 of the उवासगदसाओ.
1. 2-3 The description of the चेश्य, असोग and पुढविसिलापट्टअ are:
(a) चिराईए पुव्वपुरिसपन्नत्ते पोराणे सहिए वित्तिए [ कित्तिए ] णाए सच्छत्ते सज्झए सघण्टे सपडागे पडागाइपडागमण्डिए सलोमहत्थे कयवेयड़िए लाउल्लोइयमहिए गोसीससरसरत्तचन्दणदद्दरदिण्णपञ्चङ्गुलितले उवचियचन्दकलसे चन्दणघडसुकयतोरणपडिदुवारदे सभाएँ आसत्तोसत्तविउलबट्टवग्घारियमल्लदामकलावे पञ्चवण्णसरससुरभिमुक्कपुप्फपुञ्जवयारकलिए कालागुरुपवरकुंदुरुक्कतुरुक्कधूवमघमघन्तगन्धुद्धयाभिरामे सुगन्धवरगन्धगन्धिर गन्धवट्टिभूए णडणट्टगजलमलमुट्ठियवेलंब गपवग