पाञ्चांल्यां विशेष-नियमः । ॥ रमोर्व्यत्ययः ॥
The only special rule in the pánchalí is that r and 1 are optionally interchangeable.
टक्क भाषायां विशेष नियमः । ॥ उदहलं ॥
The only special rule in the Takka dialect is that u is added to the end of nearly every word.
भाभीयां विशेष नियमाः । Following are the special rules in the A'Bhírí dialect , ॥ कीचके कस्यादा ॥
In the word kíchaka the final k optionally assumes the form of a कीअा ; पक्षे जीअयो।
॥ क्वचित् डरयोलः ॥ In some words 2 is substituted for both d and r. ॥ न लोपोऽरण्ये ॥ In the word aranya the initial a is not elided. ॥ समासे लोपश्च ॥
The medial vowels of the compound words are elided.
अव्ययं ॥ Indiclinable words.
Aho ! Shrutgyanam