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। विप्रकर्षः ॥ ३५। अधिकारोऽयं ; श्रापरिच्छेद समाप्तयुक्तस्य विप्रकर्षा भवति ।
This rule being an adhikara will be implied in the following sútras, we are therefore to understand that the subject of the succeeding sútras to the end of the section will be the separation of conjuncts.
॥ इत् ला ॥ ३६ । लकारेणान्न संयुक्तस्य विप्रकर्षा पूर्वस्येत्त्व ञ्च ।
The conjuncts having ? (7) as their last are to be separated and an i (F) shall be added to the first ; as ferformi (क्लिन्न); किलिट्ट (क्लिष्ट); सिलिट्ट (लिष्ट) ; पिलुट्ट (प्लष्ट); मिलोत्रो (श्लोकः); किलेमो (क्लेश:) ; मिलाणं (म्लानं); किलिस्मदू (क्लिय्यति); कचिन्नभवति this rule does not apply to some instances, as कमो (क्लमः); पवो (लवः); सुक्कपकखो (शक्लपक्षः);
॥ तन्वीतुल्येषु ॥ ३७ ।
उकारान्ता डी प्रत्ययान्तास्तन्वीतुल्याः, तेषु संयुक्रस्य विप्रकर्षः पूर्वयोकार-योगश्च ।
The conjuncts in the words originally ending in u (उ) and having the suffix f (डी) as तन्वी &c. shall be separated and an u (3) shall be added to the first letter of the conjunct, as तिणुवी, तणुई (तन्वी); लहुवी, लहुई (लघवी); गुरुवी, गुरुई (गुर्ची); पुडवी (पृथ्वी); कचिदन्यत्रापि, we find the application of this rule in some other insances also, as सुरुग्घो (स्वघ्नः) ; आर्षे सूक्ष्मशब्दस्य सुद्धमेति रुपं मवति।
According to the Rishis, the word sukshma assumes the form of suhuma.
Aho ! Shrutgyanam