अध्याय - ३
In these (earths) there are thirty hundred thousand, twenty-five hundred thousand, fifteen hundred thousand, ten hundred thousand, three hundred thousand, one hundred thousand less five and only five infernal abodes, respectively.
नारका नित्याशुभतरलेश्यापरिणामदेहवेदना
विक्रियाः ॥३॥
नारकी जीव सदैव ही अत्यन्त अशुभ लेश्या, परिणाम, शरीर, वेदना और विक्रिया को धारण करते हैं।
The thought-colouration, environment, body, suffering, and shape of body (or deeds) are incessantly more inauspicious in succession among the infernal beings.
परस्परोदीरितदुःखाः ॥४॥
नारकी जीव परस्पर एक-दूसरे को दु:ख उत्पन्न करते हैं (- वे कुत्ते की भांति परस्पर लड़ते हैं)।
They cause pain and suffering to one another.