अध्याय - ६
The influx of Tīrthamkara name-karma is caused by these sixteen observances, namely, purity of right faith, reverence, observance of vows and supplementary vows without transgressions, ceaseless pursuit of knowledge, perpetual fear of the cycle of existence, giving gifts (charity), practising austerities according to one's capacity, removal of obstacles that threaten the equanimity of ascetics, serving the meritorious by warding off evil or suffering, devotion to omniscient lords, chief preceptors, preceptors, and the scriptures, practice of the six essential daily duties, propagation of the teachings of the omniscient, and fervent affection for one's brethren following the same path.
परात्मनिन्दाप्रशंसे सदसद्गुणोच्छादनोद्भावने च
नीचैर्गोत्रस्य ॥२५॥ [परात्मनिंदाप्रशंसे ] दूसरे की निंदा और अपनी प्रशंसा करना [सदसद्गुणोच्छादनोद्भावने च ] तथा प्रगट गुणों को छिपाना
और अप्रगट गुणों को प्रसिद्ध करना सो [ नीचैर्गोत्रस्य ] नीच गोत्रकर्म के आस्रव का कारण हैं।
Censuring others and praising oneself, concealing good qualities present in others and proclaiming noble qualities absent in oneself, cause the influx of karmas which lead to low status.