whom the liar defrauds, become his enemies when the fraud is discovered, and hunt him down sooner or later. Are these conditions worth purchasing in consideration of some temporary gain by falsehood and deceit? We venture to hope that no man in his senses will answer this question in the affirmative.
Jain, C.R., The Key of Knowledge, p. 234, 235.
अवितीर्णस्य ग्रहणं परिग्रहस्य प्रमत्तयोगाद्यत् । तत्प्रत्येयं स्तेयं सैव च हिंसा वधस्य हेतुत्वात् ॥
अन्वयार्थ - ( यत् ) जो ( प्रमत्तयोगात् ) प्रमाद के योग से (अवितीर्णस्य) बिना दिये हुए (परिग्रहस्य) परिग्रह का (ग्रहणं) ग्रहण करना है (तत्) वह (स्तेयं) चोरी ( प्रत्येयं) जानना चाहिये (सा एव च) और वही ( वधस्य हेतुत्वात् ) हिंसा का कारण होने से ( हिंसा) हिंसा है।
102. Driven by passions, taking anything that has not been given be termed as theft and since theft causes injury, it is himsā.
Āchārya Umasvami's Tattvārthsūtra: अदत्तादानं स्तेयम्॥
(Ch. 7 - 15) प्रमाद के योग से [अदत्तादानं] बिना दी हुई किसी भी वस्तु को ग्रहण करना सो [स्तेयम्] चोरी है।
Taking anything that is not given is stealing.