bind. There is stoppage of these karmas in the higher stages owing to the absence of minute passions in those stages. In the next three stages of 'Subsided Delusion', 'Destroyed Delusion', and 'Omniscience with Vibration' (upaśānta kaşāya, kşīņa kaşāya and sayogakevalī), there is the bondage of karmas causing the feeling of pleasure owing to the presence of mere vibrations or activity. And in the absence of activity in the case of 'Non-Vibratory Omniscient' (ayogakevali), there is stoppage of karma causing the feeling of pleasure.
....At the end of the fourteenth spiritual stage, the soul becomes liberated (Siddha).
Adapted from: Jain, S.A., Reality, p. 238-241.
ननु कथमेवं सिद्धयतु देवायुः प्रभृतिसत्प्रकृतिबन्धः । सकलजनसुप्रसिद्धो रत्नत्रयधारिणां मुनिवराणाम् ॥
अन्वयार्थ - (ननु) शंका होती है कि (रत्नत्रयधारिणां) रत्नत्रय धारण करने वाले (मुनिवराणाम् ) मुनिवरों के (सकलजनसुप्रसिद्धः) समस्त जनों में प्रसिद्ध (देवायुः प्रभृतिसत्प्रकृतिबन्धः) देवायु आदिक शुभ प्रकृत्तियों का बन्ध (एवं कथम् सिद्धयतु ) इस प्रकार कैसे सिद्ध होगा?
219. How is it possible that, as is well-known, noble ascetics possessing the Three Jewels (ratnatrai of right faith, knowledge and conduct) get virtuous bondages leading to birth as celestial beings etc.?
रत्नत्रयमिह हेतुर्निर्वाणस्यैव भवति नान्यस्य ।। आस्रवति यत्तु पुण्यं शुभोपयोगोऽयमपराधः ॥