पुरुषार्थसिद्धयुपाय development of the organs and capacities (āhāraka prakriti) have been described in the Scripture as due to right belief and conduct. To those who are well-versed in the doctrine of manifold points of view, there is no anomaly in this.
सति सम्यक्त्वचरित्रे तीर्थकराहारबन्धकौ भवतः । योगकषायौ तस्मात्तत्पुनरस्मिन्नुदासीनम् ॥
अन्वयार्थ - (सम्क्त्व चरित्रे सति) सम्यक्त्व और चारित्र के होते हुए (योगकषायौ) योग और कषाय (तीर्थकराहारबन्धकौ भवतः) तीर्थंकर और आहारक प्रकृतियों के बन्ध करने वाले होते हैं (तस्मात् ) इसलिये (तत्पुनः) वे - सम्यक्त्व और चारित्र - फिर (अस्मिन् ) इस बन्ध के विषय में (उदासीनम् ) उदासीन हैं।
218. Only in the presence of right belief and conduct do the threefold activity (yoga) and passions (kaşāya) lead to the Tīrthakaratva prakriti and āharāka prakriti, not otherwise. Right belief and conduct, themselves, are unconcerned with bondage.
Passions (kaşāya) and activities (yoga)
are progressively eliminated in the
fourteen spiritual stages (guņasthāna) Acharya Pujyapada's Sarvārthasiddhi:
The souls are divided into fourteen classes or spiritual stages:
1. Delusion - mithyādrşti 2. Downfall – sasādanasamyagdrşti