The fivefold regulation of activities (samiti) Achārya Umasvami’s Tattvārthsūtra: ईर्याभाषेषणादाननिक्षेपोत्सर्गाः समितयः॥
(Ch. 9 -5) [ईर्याभाषैषणादाननिक्षेपोत्सर्गा:] सम्यक् ईर्या, सम्यक् भाषा, सम्यक् एषणा, सम्यक् आदाननिक्षेप और सम्यक् उत्सर्ग - ये पाँच [समितयः] समिति हैं। (चौथे सूत्र का 'सम्यक्' शब्द इस सूत्र में भी लागू होता है।) Walking, speech, eating, lifting and laying down, and depositing waste products constitute the fivefold regulation of activities.
Acharya Pujyapada's Sarvārthasiddhi:
Samyak' (carefulness in) is supplied. Walking etc. are qualified by this. That is carefulness in walking, carefulness in speech, carefulness in eating, carefulness in lifting and laying down, and carefulness in depositing waste products. These five kinds of regulations are the means by which the ascetic acquainted with the dwelling places of minute organisms avoids injury to organisms. In the case of an ascetic who conducts himself in this manner, there is stoppage of influx arising from non-restraint.
Jain, S.A., Reality, p. 243.
धर्मः सेव्यः क्षान्तिदृदुत्वमृजुता च शौचमथ सत्यम् । आकिश्चन्यं ब्रह्म त्यागश्च तपश्च संयमश्चेति ॥
अन्वयार्थ - (क्षान्तिः) क्षमा, (मृदुत्वम्) मार्दव भाव, कोमल परिणाम रखना