all these constitute the sixth austerity, namely mortification of the body. What is the object of this? The object of this is to cultivate patient endurance of bodily pain and suffering, in order to remove attachment to pleasures and to proclaim the glory of the teachings of the Lord. What is the difference between affliction and mortification? Affliction is what occurs by chance. Mortification is self-imposed. These are called external, because these are dependent on external things and these are seen by others.
Jain, S.A., Reality, p. 262-263.
विनयो वैयावृत्त्यं प्रायश्चित्तं तथैव चोत्सर्गः । स्वाध्यायोऽथ ध्यानं भवति निषेव्यं तपोऽन्तरङ्गमिति ॥
अन्वयार्थ (विनयः) विनय करना, (वैयावृत्त्यं) वैयावृत्त्य करना, (प्रायश्चित्तं ) प्रायश्चित्त धारण करना, ( तथैव च उत्सर्गः ) उसी प्रकार कायोत्सर्ग करना, ( स्वाध्यायः) स्वाध्याय करना, ( अथ ध्यानं ) पश्चात् ध्यान धारण करना, ( इति अन्तरङ्ग तपः निषेव्यं भवति ) इस प्रकार अन्तरंग तप सेवन करने योग्य है।
Reverence, service, expiation, renunciation, self-study, and meditation, are the internal austerities (antarang tapa) which should be observed.
Internal austerities (antarang tapa)
Āchārya Umasvami's Tattvārthsūtra:
(Ch. 9-20)
[प्रायश्चित्तविनयवैयावृत्त्यस्वाध्यायव्युत्सर्गध्यानानि ] सम्यक् रूप से प्रायश्चित्त,