Five transgressions of the supplementary vow with regard to limiting the use of consumable and non-consumable objects (bhogopabhoga parimāņa) Āchārya Umasvami's Tattvārthsūtra: सचित्तसम्बन्धसम्मिश्राभिषवदुःपक्वाहाराः॥
(Ch. 7 - 35) 1- सचित्त-जीववाले (कच्चे फल आदि) पदार्थ, 2- सचित्त पदार्थ के साथ सम्बन्ध वाले पदार्थ, 3- सचित्त पदार्थ से मिले हुये पदार्थ, 4- अभिषव - गरिष्ठ पदार्थ, और 5- दुःपक्व अर्थात् आधे पके या अधिक पके हुए या बुरी तरह से पके पदार्थ – इनका आहार करना - ये पाँच उपभोग-परिभोग परिमाण शिक्षाव्रत के अतिचार हैं।
Victuals containing (one-sensed) organisms, placed near organisms, mixed with organisms, stimulants, and ill-cooked food.
Acharya Pujyapada's Sarvārthasiddhi: ___The first is food containing (one-sensed) organisms, the second is food placed near such organisms, and the third is food mixed with such organisms. How is it that a householder partakes of food with organisms? It is because of negligence or infatuation. 'Dravo' is that which is stimulating. The last means ill-cooked. Food is qualified by these adjectives. These are the five transgressions of the vow of fixing a limit to consumable and non-consumable articles.
Jain, S.A., Reality, p. 212.
परदातृव्यपदेशः सचित्तनिक्षेपतत्पिधाने च । कालस्यातिक्रमणं मात्सर्यं चेत्यतिथिदाने ॥