पुरुषार्थसिद्धयुपाय इति यः षोडशयामान् गमयति परिमुक्तसकलसावद्यः । तस्य तदानीं नियतं पूर्णमहिंसाव्रतं भवति ॥
अन्वयार्थ - (इति) इस प्रकार ऊपर कही हुई विधि के अनुसार (यः परिमुक्तसकलसावद्यः) जो श्रावक सम्पूर्ण पापारम्भों को छोड़ कर प्रोषधोपवास करता हुआ (षोडशयामान् गमयति) सोलह पहर बिताता है (तस्य) उस श्रावक के (तदानीं) उस समय (पूर्णम् अहिंसाव्रतं नियतं भवति) पूर्ण अहिंसाव्रत निश्चय से होता है।
157. The householder, who thus spends sixteen yamas (48 hours), free from all sinful activities, certainly observes the great vow of ahimsā during the period of proşadhopavāsa.
Proşadhopavāsa - dwelling in the self Āchārya Pujyapada’s Sarvārthasiddhi:
The word proşadha' refers to the holy days in the lunar month. Abstaining from the pleasures of the five senses such as sounds and dwelling in the self in deep concentration is fasting2. It means giving up the four kinds of food. Proşadhe upavāsa is proşadhopavāsa, that is fasting on the eighth and fourteenth days of the lunar cycle. The fasting householder discards bodily adornments such as bath, perfume, garlands, and ornaments, and spends his time in a sacred place like the abode of a saint or a temple or in his lonely fasting apartment,
1 proşadha: the eighth and the fourteenth days of a fortnight, the bright half and the dark half of the lunar month. 2 The five senses turn away from their pleasure of touch etc. and repose in the self in deep concentration during fasting.