पुरुषार्थसिद्धयुपाय 147. The one who renounces, after ascertaining their true nature, all purposeless sinful activities of this kind and others, incessantly leads his vow ofahimsā to high standards.
Purposeless sin - anarthadaņdavrata Achārya Pujyapada's Sarvārthasiddhi:
That, which leads to sin without any advantage, is purposeless sin. Desisting from such activity is to be free from purposeless sin. Purposeless sin is of five kinds, namely evil thought, preaching of sin, negligent activity, giving of hurtful things, and listening to undesirable stories. Wishing how others may suffer from victory, defeat, punishment, bondage, mutilation, confiscation of all possessions and so on, is evil thought. Preaching sin is using words which incite others to cause sufferings to animals, to pursue commerce and activities causing injury to living beings and so on. Intoxicated activity is cutting trees, digging the earth, sprinkling water and so on, without any purpose. Giving hurtful things such as poison, thorns, weapons, fire, rope, whip, stick and so on is the fourth kind. The fifth kind is listening to or teaching of stories which provoke injury, lust, etc.
Jain, S.A., Reality, p. 203.
रागद्वेषत्यागान्निखिलद्रव्येषु साम्यमवलम्ब्य । तत्त्वोपलब्धिमूलं बहुशः सामायिक कार्यम् ॥
अन्वयार्थ - (निखिलद्रव्येषु ) समस्त इष्ट-अनिष्ट पदार्थों-द्रव्यों में (रागद्वेषत्यागात् ) रागद्वेष का त्याग कर देने से (साम्यम् अवलम्ब्य ) समताभाव धारण