I. From The World Teacher to The Learned Gurus
विद्यावान् पुरुषो लोके संमतिं याति कोविदेः । नारी च तद्वती धत्ते स्त्रीसृष्टेरग्रिमं पदम् ॥ 98 ॥ विद्या यशस्करी पुंसां विद्या श्रेयस्करी मता । सम्यगाराधिता विद्यादेवता कामदायिनी ॥ 99 ॥ विद्या कामदुहा धेनुर्विधा चिन्तामणिर्नृणाम् । त्रिवर्गफलितां सूते विद्या संपत्परम्पराम् ॥ 100 ॥ विद्या बन्धुश्च मित्रं च विद्या कल्याणकारकम् । सहयायि धनं विद्या विद्या सर्वार्थसाधनी ॥ 101 ॥ आचार्य जिनसेन, आदिपुराण, 16/98-101
In this world, a learned man is revered even by the knowledgeable scholars, and a learned woman too gets to the highest status. Learning brings about repute to people; learning endows them with propitious outcomes; sincere adoration of Goddess of Learning fulfills all desires.
Learning is the Holy Cow (Kamadhenu) that has the power to yield whatever desired; learning is the Magical Gem (Chimtamani, whose possessor's every wish is granted); learning engenders the tradition of providing fortunes including spiritual, economic, and worldly bounties.
Learning is an individual's brother; learning is a friend; learning brings about propitious results; learning is the wealth that accompanies you; learning ensures accomplishment of all endeavours.
ccording to the Jaina tradition, in every half cycle of cosmic age (the _aeon of regeneration - utsarapinī, or of degeneration - avasarpinī), twenty four Tirthamkaras are born in this part of the universe (called the Bharata kşetra of Jambudvipa in the Jaina cosmology).