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Just as chalk whitens the alien substance (a board etc.) because of its intrinsic nature (of whiteness), similarly, the knower Self knows the alien substance because of his intrinsic nature of being a knower. Just as chalk whitens the alien substance (a board etc.) because of its intrinsic nature (of whiteness), similarly, the perceiver Self perceives the alien substance because of his intrinsic nature of perception. Just as chalk whitens the alien substance (a board etc.) because of its intrinsic nature (of whiteness), similarly, the Self who knows renounces the alien substance because of his intrinsic nature of non-attachment. Just as chalk whitens the alien substance (a board etc.) because of its intrinsic nature (of whiteness), similarly, the Self with right faith ascertains the alien substance as it is because of his intrinsic nature of right faith.
जीव की अन्य पर्यायों का व्यवहार स्वरूप -
एवं ववहारस्स दु विणिच्छओ णाणदंसणचरित्ते। ufuICI 340utų fa qoutere Tha Ullgati (10-58-365)
इस प्रकार ज्ञान, दर्शन और चारित्र के विषय में व्यवहार नय का निर्णय कहा है। अन्य पर्यायों में भी इसी प्रकार जानना चाहिये।
Knowledge, faith, and conduct, from the empirical point of view, have thus been described. The other modes (of consciousness) should be understood similarly.