अध्याय - 10 जैसे स्वर्णकार आदि शिल्पी उपकरणों को ग्रहण करता है, किन्तु वह उनसे तन्मय नहीं होता; उसी प्रकार जीव भी मन-वचन-कायरूप करणों को ग्रहण करता है; किन्तु वह उनसे तन्मय नहीं होता। जैसे स्वर्णकार आदि शिल्पी कुण्डलादि कर्मों के फल को भोगता है; किन्तु वह उस फल से तन्मय नहीं होता, उसी प्रकार जीव भी कर्म के सुख-दुःख रूप फल को भोगता है, किन्तु वह उस फल से तन्मय नहीं होता।
Just as an artisan (a goldsmith, for example), does his work to produce earrings etc. but does not become identical with it, so also the Self produces karmic matter like knowledge-obscuring karma, but does not become identical with it. Just as an artisan (a goldsmith, for example), uses tools like a mallet to produce earrings etc. but does not become identical with them, so also the Self acts through the instruments of mind-, speech- and physical-activity to produce karmic matter like knowledge-obscuring karma, but does not become identical with them. Just as an artisan (a goldsmith, for example), takes up tools but does not become identical with them, so also the Self adopts instruments of mind-, speech- and physical-activity but does not become identical with them. Just as an artisan (a goldsmith, for example) enjoys the fruits of his work (earrings etc.) but does not become identical with the fruits, so also the Self enjoys the fruits of karmas (in the form of pleasure and pain) but does not become identical with them.