अध्याय -9
A man, bound in shackles for a long time, knows the nature of his bondage, intense or feeble, and also its duration. He cannot get rid of the bondage till the time he is able to break the shackles. Without such an effort, he cannot get freedom for a very long time. In the same way, the Self, while knowing the nature of the karmic bondages - quantity of space-points, species, duration, and fruition - does not get rid of these bondages (till he makes an effort). If he attains purity by abandoning attachment etc., he can get rid of all karmic bondages.
बन्ध की चिन्तामात्र से मोक्ष नहीं -
जह बंधे चिंतंतो बंधणबद्धो ण पावदि विमोक्खं। तह बंधे चिंतंतो जीवो वि ण पावदि विमोक्खं॥ (9-4-291)
जिस प्रकार बन्धन में पड़ा हुआ कोई पुरुष उस बन्धन की चिन्ता करता हुआ (चिन्ता करने मात्र से) छुटकारा नहीं पाता, उसी प्रकार जीव भी कर्म-बन्ध की चिन्ता करता हुआ (चिन्ता करने मात्र से) मुक्ति नहीं पाता।
Just as a man, bound in shackles, cannot get rid of the bondage merely by worrying about it, similarly, a man cannot get liberated from karmic bondage merely by worrying about it.