Jaisalmer State Administration Reports, annually from 1901.
Jats, Gujars, & Ahirs. Compiled by A. H. Bingley. Calcutta, 1904. pp. 33, App. vi. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. (old series) Vol. VI. 1837. p. 240. Vol. XXXVIII. Pt. I. 1869. p. 90,
Journal of Indian Art & Industry, The. Vol. IX. 1901.Salt industry of Rajputana. by F. Ashton. Linguistic Survey of India. Vol. IX. Pt. II. Ed. by G. A. Grierson. Cal. 1908. p. 109. Manual of the Geology of India. by R. D. Oldham. Calcutta, 1893. Memorandum on the prospects of finding Coal in Western Rajputana.
Rec. G. S. L. XIX. by R. D. Oldham. 1886. pp. 122-27. Memorandum on the results of an Exploration of Jessalmer with a view to the discovery of Coal. Rec. G. S. L. XXI. by R. D. Oldham. 1888. pp. 30-33. Memoir of a map of Hindoosthan. by James Rennell. London, 1792. pp. 320, 328, &c. Memoirs of Humayun. Trans. by C. Stewart. London, 1832. p. 40. Memoirs on the Races of the North Western Provinces of India. Vol. I. by H. M. Elliot. London, 1869. p. 39. Muntakhabu'T-Tawarikh. Vol. I. Ed. by G. S. A. Ranking. Calcutta, 1998.
pp. 298 n.7, 456, 562-63, 567 n.l. Vol. II. Trans. by W. H. Lowe. Calcutta, 1924. pp. 138, 355, 392.
Native States of India, The. by G. B. Malleson. London, 1875. Notices of Sanskrit Mss. Vol. VIII. by R. Mitra. pp. 320-21.
Our Indian Empire. Vol. I. by R. M. Martin. p. 106.
Personal Narrative of a tour through the Western States of Rajwara in 1835,
comprising Bikaner, Jaisalmer and Jodhpur.
by Lt. A. H. E. Boileau. Calcutta, 1837.
Progress Report of the A. S. of India. (Western Circle) for the year ending 31st March 1910. p. 22. 1911. p. 14. & subsequent years. Rajputana Agency Administration reports, annually from 1865-66. by J. Prinsep.
"Aho Shrut Gyanam"