No. VI.
From the same.
This contains the Kharatara pattavali referred to, in my report on the Svetams bara Jaina Mss purchased for Government in 1888-84, as mentioned in Dharmasagara's Pravachanapariksha (Dr. Bhandarkar's Report for 1883-84, page 152 ). It goes down to Jinabhadra, omitting Jinavardhana. The inscription states that a tapahpattika was put up by the advice of Vachanacharya Ratnamurtigani in Samvat 1393, while Jinabhadra was on the patta and Chachigadeva on the throne,
No. VII.
From The Santinatha temple. $ This is an inscription mostly in Gujarati prose. Towards the end there is one sentence in Sanskrit prose and two Sanskrit verses. In the beginning also there is one Sanskrit verse. The performance of pilgrimages and building of temples are recorded in the inscription. It contains the following genealogy :- Raula Chachigadeva, Raula Devakarna, Raula Jayatasimha. The last is mentioned as being on the throne in Samvat 1583 and Lunakarna as being heir-apparent. Devakarna is mentioned as ruling in Samvat 1536, in which year it seems the pratishtha of this temple was nade. Jayantasimha is referred to as being on the throne in Samvat 1581 also.
* See inscription No. 2144. pages 22-32 $ See inscription No. 2154. pages 35-40
"Aho Shrut Gyanam"