*Glory to Krsna Circcha, the delightener of the earth, whose person was transpirent like a blooming bunch of fresh Jati flowers, ashose fume was sung by series of learned men resembling humuing bees and who ever resided on the crowus of pious Jaivas. In the circle of Suris, whose actions were the homes of wonders, there was baru in course of time Jayasimha Suri, the crest-ren of the wise, who vamquished in disputation Saranga the foremost of authorities that shone as Imat in the circle of poets able to write in six Janguages."
Jayasinha Suri was in fact the spiritual yraud-father of Nayacantat the author of tumira mahakavya. So in chapter XIV of the mahakilvya * we read :
"Nayacandra Suri was in lineal descent the grand-son of poet Juyasimha Suri but iu respect of poetical compositious his son,"
Jayasimha Suri lived in the 14th contury t. D. is liis Kumarapelixcuritru ţ is dateci suruvat 1429 or A. D. 1363.
पौलोऽथयं कविगुरोर्जयसिंहसूरेः काव्येषु पुवतितमां नयचन्द्रसूरिः। tappearezza19245f3ffazidfacaulaTuHY
( IFaramira mahakavya, Chap. XIV, P. 138 ), श्रीविक्रमन्टपाद विवि मन्वन्देश्यमजायत । पन्थः समप्तत्रिशतोषटमहनाण्य नुष्टुभाम् ।
( K
arajlacaritra prasasti, Chap. X).
Aho ! Shrutgyanam