The text of Nyayasara and the commentary on it called
Mss. of Nyayatatparyadipika printed in this volume are based on the undermentioned manuscripts :
A. Nyayasara no. III. F. 305 belonging to the Asiatic Society of Bengal.
B. Nyayasara no. 821 belonging to the Asiatic Society of Bengal.
C. Nyayasara belonging to the Sanskrit college, Calcutta. D. Nyayatatparyadipika belonging to the Yasovijaya Jaina Pathasala, Benares.
E. Nyayatatparyadipika procured from Bombay through Sastravisarada Jainacarya Vijayadharma Sari and his pupil Indravijaya.
The Nyayasara occupies a remarkable position in the history of Indian Logic. I have stated elsewhere that the Nyayasutra (circa 500-300 B. C.) by the Brahmanic sively by the sage Aksapada Gautama is the first regular work on
Medieval Logie nourished exclu
and Jainas.
Aucient Logic while the Pramanasamuccaya (about 500
A. D.) by the Buddhist sage Dignaga and the Nyayavatara (about 533 A. D.) by the Jaina sage Siddhasena Divakara (Ksapanaka ) are the standard works on Medieval Logic. In the Nyayasutra Aksapada stated, defined and examined sixteen categories, viz. 1. means of right knowledge (##), 2. object of right knowledge (a), 3. doubt (a), 4. purpose (nate), 5. familiar instance (gr), 6. established tenets (før 1, 7. members of a syllogism (a), 8. hypothetical reasoning (a), 9. ascertainment (f), 10. discussion (1), 11. wrangling (), 12, cavil
Aho! Shrutgyanam