શુભ શુભ વિપ ક. ) આ પ્રમાણે દ્રવ્ય, ક્ષેત્ર, કાળ, ભાત્ર અને ભવના વિચિત્ર ચેર્ગે ઉદ્ધૃત થતાં કર્મનાં વિચિત્ર ફળે આ ત્રીજા ધ્યાનમાં ચિહવાય છે
V paka-Dhyana:~
scen in
27-28-29-30 Vipäka [ Maturation is the fructification of Karma. It is of two kinds, good and bad (as Karma is of two kinds, good and bid). It is variously experienced by the embodied souls through its association with matter, space, time, disposition and worldly existence. The good Vipaka (maturation] of Karmic forces associated with matter [ Dravya ] is having pleasant objects, and the bad Vipaka, ia having unpleas. ant objects. The good Vipaka associated with space is in the residence in comfortable houses etc., while the other Vipäke, in the residence in uncomfortable dwellings etc.. The good Viraka in connection with time is seen in having the pleasures of spring which is neither too cold nor too hot, and such other pleasant seasons, while the bad one is the reverse of it. The good Vipaka through mental emotions is the feeling of pleasure, while the bad one is the reverse of it. The good Vipaka through the births is in the life as a happy god or a happy man etc., while the bad one is the reverse of it. Thus are thought of, the various results of the Karmic forces associated with Dravya (matter) and the others, in the Dhyana named Vipāka.
afa figantzazaiará amìsqfán-alnıfa | लोकोऽत्र मध्यस्थित ऊर्ध्व - मध्याधोभागतोऽस्ति त्रिजगत्स्त्ररूपः ||३१||
eaqèara fafaraqfèa varà agravaaugût ! arqgà mai a qåenà eriðanáîfèzi ag
Aho! Shrutgyanam
॥ ३२ ॥