8. Linganugadne , on Grammar, by Vamana, who lived between the last
quarter of the 8th century and the first quarter of the 9th centary: edited by C.D, Dalal, M, s. 1918
7. Vasaotavilasa , an historical poem (Malakarya) describing the life of
Vastapala and the history of Guzerat, by Balachandraguri, (from Modheraka or Modhera in Kadi Prant, Baroda State), contemporary of Vastupala, composed after his death for his son in Samvat 1298 (A.D. 1240): edited by C. D. Dalal, m. A. 1917
8. Rupakashatkam, six dramas by Vatsaraja, wipister of Paramardidera
of Kalinjara, who lived between the 2nd balf of the 12th and the 1st quarter of 13th century, edited by C. D. Dalal, m, 4, 1918 ... 24
Mohaparajaya, an allegorical dravia describing the orercoming of King Moha (Terrptation), or the conversion of Kumarapala, the Chalakya King of Guzerat to Jainism, by Yasanpala, an officer of King Ajayadeva, son of Kumarapala, who reigned from A. D. 1229 to 1232, edited by Magi Chaturvijayaji, with latroduction and Appendices by C, D, Dalal m. 4. 1918
10. Lammiramadanr irdana , # drama glorifying tbe {wo brothers
Vastupala and Tejahpala and their King Viradbavala of Dboiks, bg Jayasimhaguri, pupil of Virazuri and an Acharya of the temple of Manigu vrata at Broach, composed between samvat 1267 and 1286 or A. D. 1920 and 1239; edited by C.D. Dalal, m. A. 1920...20
II. Udayaşındarikatha, 3 romance (Champu, jo prose and poetry)
by goddhala, a coutemporary of god patronised by the three brothers Chchittaraja. Nagarjuna, and Mumanniraja, successive rulers of Kookan, composed between A, D. 1026 and 1050 : edited by C.D. Dalal m. d., and pandit Embar Krishnamacharya, 1920. ..2-4
12. Mahavidyavidambana , a work vn Nyaya Pbilosophy, by Büstta
Vadindra who lived about A. D. 1210 to 1274, edited by M. R. Telaog 1920,
"Aho Shrut Gyanam"