अध्याय -२
जरायुजाण्डजपोतानां गर्भः ॥३३॥ [जरायुज अ डज पोतानां ] जरायुज, अ डज और पोतज इन तीन प्रकार के जीवों के [गर्भः] गर्भजन्म ही होता है अर्थात् उन जीवों के ही गर्भजन्म होता है।
Uterine birth is of three kinds, umbilical (with a sac covering), incubatory (from an egg), and unumbilical (without a sac covering').
देवनारकाणामुपपादः ॥३४॥
[देवनारकाणाम् ] देव और नारकी जीवों के [ उपपादः] उपपादजन्म ही होता है अर्थात् उपपादजन्म उन जीवों के ही होता है।
The birth of celestial and infernal beings is (by instantaneous rise) in special beds'.
Some are born with the outer covering of the embryo. Children and calves are born with such outer coverings. The chickens etc. are born from eggs. The young ones of the deer, the cubs, etc. are born without any covering. Their limbs are perfected at the time of birth, and they are immediately active.
2 The celestial beings are born in box-beds, and the infernal beings in bladders hung from the ceilings of the holes in hell.