अध्याय - ७
For the sake of strengthening the vows, there are five observances' for each of these.
भोजनानि पञ्च ॥४॥ [वाङ्मनोगुप्तीर्यादाननिक्षेपणसमित्यालोकितपानभोजनानि ] वचनगुप्ति- वचन को रोकना, मनगुप्ति- मन की प्रवृत्ति को रोकना, ईर्या समिति- चार हाथ जमीन देखकर चलना, आदाननिक्षेपण समिति- जीवरहित भूमि देखकर सावधानी से किसी वस्तु को उठाना धरना और आलोकितपानभोजनदेखकर-शोधकर, भोजन-पानी ग्रहण करना [ पञ्च] ये पाँच अहिंसा व्रत की भावनायें हैं। Control of speech, control of thought, regulation of movement, care in taking and placing things or objects, and examining food or drink, are five.
च पश्च ॥५॥
Bhāvanā is generally rendered as contemplation or meditation. But from what follows 'observance may be taken as a better rendering.