2. "Secondary" or "Substitute" Canon.
The Digmabaras hold that the original canon is lost and what the Svetambaras regard as canon is not authoritative. They have, however, produced a 'secondary canon' which might perhaps be more correctly termed a "substitute Canon." They sometimes describe it as the "four Vedas" This "Canon" cosists of a number of important texts of liter times classified into four groups (anuyogas) ·
(1) Prathamanuyoga-lege dary works describing the biographies of the 63 eminent persons (salakapurushas) 1 e. 24 Tirthankaras, 12 Cakravatins, 9 Baladevas, 9 Vasudevas and 9 Prativasudevas This group includes the Puranas (Padma-, HarivamsaTrishashtilakshana-, Maha-, and UttaraPurana)
works Suryaprajгnapati,
2 Karananuyoga-Cosmological Candraprajuati and Jayadhavala ;
3. Dravyanuyoga-philosophical works of Kunda-Kunda, Umisuami's Tattvarthadhigama-Sutra with commentaries and Samantabhadra's Aptamimansa with commentaries
4. Carananuyoga-ritual and disciplinary works such as Vattakera's Mulacara and Samantabhadra's Ratnakarandasravakacara and Trivarnacara We are concerned with the second class, vz the Karinuyoga.
3. Non-Canonical works
In the course of centuries several works were produced both by the Svetambaras as well as by the Digambaras, that deal, systemically with the subjects explained in the prajnaptis noted above. A tew such works can be picked up from any catologue of manuscripts Fragmentary treatises dealing with particular subjects are numerous.
Having given a short account of Jaina Cosmology (including Astronomy) and of the old literature on the subject for the sake of readers not acquainted with them, I now come to the Trailokyaprakasa itself; its contents, its author, time and language.
The Trailoky prakasa is essentially a lagna-work, 1.e,, it deals with the methods of prediction by examination of a horoscope. Works of this type were very popular in India and the production of new ones continued till as late as a century or two ago. Tp. is divided into a number of sections ().
Tp. too, was fairly popular as is shown by a pretty large number of its manuscripts still extant.