then stands alone. For example, the verse 34 as it stands in the Amb. text is read differently by A. A, B and Bh. as noted in the footnotes.
The Tp is a Jain work on Astrology which science is closely associated with Astronomy because its predictions are based on positions of planets determined by astronomical calculations. Consequently it is advisable to say a few words on Jain astronomy. In order to understand the nature of the Jain system of Astronomy let us cast a glance over their coimography.
Jain Cosmography. The Jains believe that the Universe is eternal, without a beginning or an end. They have, therefore, no cosmology, but have a cosmography-peculiar to them. selves, especially with regard to the upper regions. The Universe proper or Loka extends as far as the dharmastikaaya and the adharmastikaya--the media of motion and rest respectively-exist. Beyond the Loka there is Aloka or absolute space. The Loka is conceived to be in the form of a standing woman with her arms akimbo. It is divided into three parts corresponding to the three parts of the woman's body. The upper' region( 1) represents the bust of the figure and comprises the aerial abodes (fata1a) of the Vaimanika gods. The middle region(faeit al*)represents the waist and consists of that portion of the earth Ratnaprabha upon which men live together with the part of the sky occupied by the heavenly luminaries.
(1) The conception of the regions being upper or lower has reference to the Rucaka point formed of four particles at the centre of the Meru. Perpendicularly above the Rucaka there is a similar point in the heavens. The middle region extends 900 yojanas below and 900 yojanas above the Rucaka point Thus it comprises the upper layer of the Ratna prabha earth to a thickness of 900 yojanas together with the atmosphere to the same height.
जगत्त्रयं त्वधस्तियंगूज़लोक विभेदतः। अधस्तियंगूर्ध्वभावो रुचकापेक्षया पुनः॥४१॥ मेवेन्तर्गोस्तनाकारचतुर्कोमप्रदेशकः । रुचकोऽ धस्ताहगूर्व मेव मष्ट प्रदेशकः ॥ ४८२ ॥ तिर्थग लोकस्तु रुचकस्योपरिष्टादधोपि च ।
योजनानां नव नव शतानि भवति स्फुटम् ॥ ४८३॥ Trishashtisalakapurushacaritra, Parvan II, Canto 3.