their happiness or misery are the direct result of these actions. In short the course of destiny cannot be changed.
In practice, however, Astrology plays an important role in the life of Jains Even in their oldest scriptures we find refereces to lucky moments for doing auspicious acts. The Prakrit words सोहणंसि निरिकरणमुहत सि: e (the ceremony was performed at an auspicious moment, in an auspicious Karana and on an auspicious hour, clearly refer to favoural'le time determined by astrological calculations At the birth of a child, even if it be would-be Tirthankara astrologers were consulted. Kings always kept astrologers at their court and performed their acts according to the advice of the astrologers. The highest belief in astrology is shown by the statement of of the Kalpasutra, a Svetambara scripture, where it is said that Lord Mahavira died at a moment when the Kshudra or Bhasma-graha entered his nama-rail. The effect of this was that his followers did not receive due honour for 2,000 years after his demise
Having thus shown the importance and prevalence of Astrology among the Jam, shall now state what place it holds in a monk's life. As is universally known, the life of a Jain ronk is very hard He is indeed forbidden for selfish motives from practice of Astrology, medicine and other similar sciences. Their study, however, 1: not prohibited There are numerous works written by monks which amply reveal the authors' mastery over these sciences Several instances are tound in which the monks actually Ivok pracukal advantage of these sciences, but that was tor the benetit of the whole community, and not tor then personal gain?
The prohibition against practice of Astrology was confined to those monks whom for the sake of convenience we may term the 377!?"?! muaksie, those indifferent to worldly affairs. Such monks engaged themselves in the mortification of their self. They kept quite aloot trom worldly attachments. In short they had broken all tamily ues They had reached the stage of Samnya su described in the Smins. They took abude in deserted huts a way trom babitation. Their wants were very few, they having discarded everything commonly needed by man. They
1. H Jacobi. Translation of the Kalrasutra in the Sacred Books of the East Series, Vol. XXII p. 266. 2. cf. mrgarfa a: 9417_gagnaatafani स शुध्यति प्रतिक्रान्त: सुधी: कालकसूरिवत् ।।
विनयचन्द्र कृत कालककथा, रलो०२