The reference is to synchronization of inhalation, retention and exhalation with the three sounds of Pranava: 'A', 'U' and 'M', in order to align the breath, prana and consciousness and experience their interrelationship. Thus, while inhaling, the 'A' sound should be drawn up the ida passage or left nostril, along with the breath. During this time the 'A' sound should be contemplated along with all of its associations: the conscious state and rajo guna. While retaining the breath, the 'U' sound is contemplated in relation to the subconscious state and sattwa guna. While exhaling, the 'M' sound is directed out through the pingala passage or right nostril, along with the breath. During this time, the 'M' sound is contemplated in relation to the unconscious state and tamo guna. The same process is followed on the right side in order to make one round.
It is recommended that Omkara pranayama be performed for twelve rounds in order to balance the body and mind, and as a preparation for meditation on the Pranava. This pranayama can also be performed through both nostrils together, as in samavritti pranayama (see Chapter 16: 'Preliminary Breathing Practices'), for meditative purposes. However, in order to purify the nadis it should be done through the alternate nostrils, as in nadi shodhana pranayama (see Chapter 19: 'Nadi Shodhana Pranayama'). Twelve rounds performed through the alternate nostrils will remove all the accumulated blockages and impurities in the ida and pingala nadis, ensuring health, harmony and longevity. Therefore, the Upanishad states that yogis should always know this practice, so they may perform it regularly and derive the benefits.
Bija mantras The word bija means 'seed', which refers to the unmanifest state of existence. Within the seed lies the potential of manifestation. If the seed is sown under conducive conditions, it explodes into a plant. In the same way a bija mantra is a seed, which manifests in various experiences when practised in japa. When the bija mantra becomes manifest, it is called