breathing, directly resulting in cardiopulmonary resonance, which is indicative of autonomic balance. The 'magical' effect of group chanting or kirtan is due to the fact that during cardiopulmonary coherence the electromagnetic field of the heart is most powerful and pronounced. The powerful and coherent electromagnetic heart field of one person can affect the heart fields of others, leading them to coherent synchrony. During group chanting the electromagnetic fields of all the individuals are both pronounced and synchronized with each other.
The repetition of mantra also arrests the unnecessary movements of prana, so that energy is conserved and mental dissipation is contained. There is greater concentration and the mind can be utilized for higher flights. Therefore, when pranayama is performed with mantra, the practice is more effective. Concentration may be achieved with a numerical count as well, and this is how pranayama practices are usually begun. However, when a mantra is introduced into the practice, the consciousness is raised and concentration assumes a superior quality, so that the whole practice is taken to a different level altogether.
Pranayama and mantra, in fact, make a very powerful combination. Together they are like a missile with an atomic weapon on its head. The missile is the carrier of the atomic weapon; prana is the missile and mantra the atomic weapon on top. When mantras are carried to different parts of the body with the help of prana, they can create actual changes in the physical structure and function. In prana vidya, mantras may be used to transfer prana shakti to others, especially for healing. However, this kind of healing can only be practised by those who have attained mantra siddhi, the power and knowledge of mantra, through mantra sadhana. Others will not be able to manifest the power of the mantra effectively for the purpose of healing.
There are many types of mantras of all lengths and descriptions. Tantric mantras are carriers of specific pranic energies and must be used according to certain rules and