areas of consciousness and develop knowledge and creativity in a particular area of consciousness.
Each mantra has two important qualities, known in Sanskrit as varna and akshara. Varna means 'colour' and akshara means 'letter' or 'form'. The letters of the Sanskrit alphabet are akshara, which also means 'imperishable'. For once a mantra is uttered, it becomes a part of the eternal akashic record. Every mantra has six parts. First, it has a rishi, who had self-realization through the mantra and gave the mantra to others. Sage Vishwamitra, for example, is the rishi for the Gayatri mantra. Second, every mantra has a metre. Third, it has an ishta devata (presiding deity). Fourth, it has a bija (seed), which is its essence. Fifth, it has its own shakti, energy. Sixth, it has a kilaka (pin) which unplugs the chaitanya (consciousness) hidden in the mantra. When the plug is removed by constant and prolonged repetition, the chaitanya is revealed.
Most people do not understand the power of mantras and think they can use them in any preferred way. Some use any word or name for their mantra. For example, one may admire a great person and want to make a mantra out of his or her name. One may think of that person as one's gum or God and be filled with great emotional feelings and love for him. One may like to repeat his name; however, that name is merely a sound with an emotional charge, not a mantra charged with prana shakti.
Initiation from a mantra guru is essential to realize the power of a mantra. Recitation of a word or syllable that has been heard or found in a book is not enough. A mantra requires correct phonetic pronunciation, intonation, concentration and creation of the associated mental image or form. Its ishta, bija, shakti and kilaka are a matter of realization, and only one who has realized these aspects can effectively impart its power. Therefore emphasis is placed on initiation. However, there are also universal mantras such as Om or Gayatri, which can be used if one has not received a mantra through initiation.