practices. They are an indication that one is making progress and beginning to master the science of prana.
Psychic centres The third key to awareness of prana is the psychic centres or chakras, vortices of subtle prana located at specific points along the sushumna passage. According to the science of prana, prana is generated at mooladhara, it is stored in manipura, purified at vishuddhi and distributed from ajna. These are the four chakras used in the practice of prana vidya. One needs to become aware of how each chakra influences the activity of pranic energy, and what experience takes place when the various chakras are awakened. With the techniques of prana vidya, the chakras can be awakened quickly if one practises diligently. It will not just happen spontaneously; one needs to stimulate, influence and control prana, and this must be done gradually and with care.
Psychic sound The fourth key to awareness of prana is the psychic sound. According to yoga, sound manifests within the individual consciousness as well as outside. In order to develop the awareness of psychic sound, one must withdraw the auditory perception so that external sounds are no longer heard. When the attention is completely withdrawn to the centre of the head, one develops the awareness of chidakasha, the psychic space within the head. One can then observe any sounds that arise spontaneously within that space.
The experiences of inner sound documented in the classical yogic texts include: buzzing of bees, tinkling bells, conch, flute, veena (Indian lute), cymbals, drums and thunder. The psychic sound begins in a very subtle way and the intensity gradually increases. The tinkling of bells or the notes of the veena can actually be heard, even if there are no bells ringing or a veena being played externally. The experience of psychic sound manifests entirely within, without the presence of any outer object or instrument.