Five Keys
here are five keys that are used to unlock the subtle
psychic breath, ii) psychic passage, iii) psychic centres, iv) psychic sound and v) psychic symbol.
Psychic breath
The psychic breath is the first key to pranic awareness. Psychic breathing is the integration of awareness with the physical breath. The experience of the breath can be both gross and subtle. The basis of the psychic breath is the gross physical breath. The breath moves through the nostrils approximately fifteen times per minute, 900 times per hour and 21,600 times every day, whether one is aware of it or not. The normal experience of breathing is the process of drawing air down into the lungs and expelling it through, the nostrils. Guiding this process through will power and. concentration is one aspect of pranayama; the second aspect' is psychic breathing.
In the initial stages of psychic breathing, the only requirement is awareness of the natural breath without trying to affect the pattern of the breathing cycle. Once this is achieved, the movement of the breath is experienced in the form of ujjayi pranayama (see Chapter 20: 'Tranquillizing Pranayamas'). The initial process of psychic breathing involves the deep sound vibration created by the ujjayi breath and its