pingala (and consequently sushumna) in order to intensify the experience of the pranic body.
Link with right and left brain: The specific functions of the brain also correlate with the activities of ida and pingala. The cerebrum is symmetrical, consisting of right and left hemispheres. The right hemisphere governs the left side of the body and the left hemisphere governs the right side of the body. Ida is connected to the right hemisphere and pingala to the left. The right hemisphere processes information in a diffuse and wholistic manner. It controls orientation in space and is particularly sensitive to the vibrational realm of existence and those experiences which are intangible to the external senses. Thus it stimulates creative, artistic and musical abilities and is responsible for mental, psychic and extrasensory perception. Conversely, the left hemisphere which relates to pingala processes information in a sequential, linear and logical manner, and is responsible for rational, analytical and mathematical ability. In this way the nadis and brain hemispheres determine and motivate one's responses in dayto-day life.
Link with koshas: The ida force is the subtle energy that controls the manomaya and vijnanamaya koshas, whereas pingala controls the annamaya and anandamaya koshas. In pranamaya kosha, the ida and pingala forces reach out in both directions. The thoughts and mental experiences that remain confined to manomaya kosha, or the mental dimension, are known as ida activity until they become physical. Desires, thoughts, emotions and feelings are given form and direction by the force of ida. Vijnanamaya kosha, the body of psychic and intuitive knowledge that one gains through sadhana, is also an aspect of ida, the mental force. Extrasensory powers, such as clairaudience and clairvoyance or telepathy, are developed within the range of ida. The range of pingala, the vital force, is experienced as physical vitality in annamaya kosha. In anandamaya kosha, the awareness which remains even in the deepest state of meditation, after the dissolution of all the samskaras and karmas, is the result of an awakened