Seminal essence is transformed to soma by this nadi.
Kuhu is awakened by the practice of vajroli. 7. Shankhini begins at the throat and terminates in the
anus. It flows on the left side of sushumna between saraswati and gandhari. Shankhini is activated by the
practice of basti (yogic enema). 8. Saraswati is the nadi situated on the tongue. Those who
possess gifted speech have an awakened saraswati. 9. Payaswini flows on the right side between pusha and
saraswati, and is complementary to pingala. Its termination point is the right ear. The sect of ascetics called Kanphata Yogis awaken this nadi by wearing large
earrings. 10. Varuni purifies toxins in the lower pelvic area along with
kuhu. It terminates at the anus and is activated by basti
and other kriyas. 11. Vishwodari resides in the area of the navel and flows
between kuhu and hastijihva. It is related to the adrenal gland and the pancreas, and is activated by nauli kriya and uddiyana bandha. It improves the flow of prana throughout the body, and helps in the rising of prana along sushumna.
Polarity principle of ida-pingala The entire universe is comprised of two forces, consciousness and energy, which are interdependent and opposite, yet complementary. The universe hangs as a kind of web of interacting energies, suspended and functioning within the framework of tensions developed by this fundamental polarity. Wherever one looks, within nature, within the body and within the mind, this polarity can be seen as light and dark, positive and negative, male and female, and so on. At every level, these two great principles or forces are at work, creating and motivating the universe.
When this cosmic polarity of prana and consciousness manifests in the microcosmic unit of the human body, it takes the form of chitta shakti and prana shakti, which