Nadis: Channels of Prana
■magine the rush of energy that you experience during a moment of exhilaration. Now feel the channels through which the energy travels during such experiences. At first this may seem incomprehensible, but these flows may be traced when the concentration becomes deeper. Modern science explains this process in terms of nerve impulses, but the ancient seers perceived it as energy and consciousness flowing through interconnected channels in the body called nadis, which form an energy network. The word nadi means 'flow'. In this sense, nadis are subtle flows of energy, just as electricity, radio waves and laser beams are subtle flows. Nadis relate to the energy body and should not be confused with nerves, which relate to the physical body.
Nadis are pathways of pranic, mental and spiritual currents, which form a matrix throughout the physical body. They provide energy to every cell, organ and part through their vast network, carrying prana back and forth in every direction. Nadis are not physical, measurable or dissectible structures within the body, but channels of energy which underlie and sustain life and consciousness. In higher states of consciousness the nadis can actually be seen as flows of energy, as described by the yogis. They can be perceived at the psychic level as distinct channels of light, colour and sound. At the same time, the nadis underlie and are mirrored in all bodily functions and processes.