Nervous system 132-133 Neti 285-291 Neti lota 285 Nishpatti avastha 227 Niyamas 6, 219 Nose/Nostrils 95-105,191-198,
Om/Aum 33, 34, 64, 65, 66, 67,
70, 72, 73-74, 75, 114, 226 Omkara pranayama 70,73-74 Oxygen intake during pran
ayama 129
Padmasana 300-301 Pancha bhuta 316 Pancha dharana 227 Pancha kosha 20-26 Pancha prana 48-59, 190-191,
201-202, 275, 293, 316-318 Pancha vayu 57-58 Para Brahman 10 Paradoxical breathing 172-173 Parichayavastha 226 Patanjali 5, 45, 113, 119, 124,
133, 135, 219 Payaswini nadi 37, 40 Pineal gland 131-132, 143, 244 Pingala nadi 28, 32, 37, 38-39,
40-47, 62, 98, 101-102, 103,
279 Pituitary gland 131-132, 244 Plavini pranayama 282 Pooraka (exhalation) 113-115,
116-117, 178-186 Prana mudra pranayama 198-
201 Prana nigraha 112-113 Prana vayu 48 (also see pancha
Prana vayu mudras 316-318 Prana vidya 16, 18, 25, 33, 37,
47, 59, 61-62, 63, 69, 73, 76,
81, 106 Prana 2-4, 9-19 awakening of
46-47; and brain 17-18; and breath 17; cosmic 10, 18-19; etymology 3; in air 15-16; in an individual 12-13; in food 14-15; in manipura chakra 30; and koshas 22-23,25-26; and mind 17; and mantra 65-78; purification of 45-46; selfgeneration of 16-18; source of
13-14 Prana-apana 55-56, 107, 109,
125, 275, 330, 332 Prana shakti 23, 28, 40,48, 134 Pranamaya kosha 3-4, 20-21,
2 3, 24, 25, 30, 47, 68, 73, 309 Pranava pranayama 70,73-74 Pranayama 1, 4-6, 46, 47, 106
115; benefits 127-136; breath ratio during 215-216; classification 117-118; diet during 211; etymology 108-109; guidelines 209-222; place of practice 212; posture 213-214; research 137-152; sequence 213; side effects 217-218; sitting postures for 296-307; standing posture for 294-295; starting nostril 214; time of practice 212-213; time unit
216; units of 114-115 Pranayama sadhana 218-221 Pranic outflow 16-17 Pranotthana 47 Prapanchasara Tantra 37 Prashnopanishad 12