Tha, ksha - the second syllable of the word 'hatha', the first
syllable 'ha' stands for the sun, the second syllable 'tha' stands
for the moon, and the union of these two forces is hatha yoga Trataka - to gaze steadily; a concentration practice and a shatkarma Turiya - superconsciousness; fourth dimension of consciousness
transcending the waking, dreaming and deep sleep states Udana - one of the pancha pranas, located in the extremities of
the arms, legs and head Upa pranas or pancha vayu - minor pranas Upanayana samskara - a vedic ritual of investiture with a sacred
thread to initiate participants into sacred learning Upanishads - 'to sit close by and listen'; ancient vedic texts,
conveyed by sages, rishis or seers containing their experiences
and teachings on the ultimate reality Uttama - highest, best; principal Vajra nadi - one of the three major energy channels within
sushumna nadi Vajroli mudra - urinary passage to stimulate swadhisthana chakra
and promote brahmacharya Vam - bija mantra of swadhisthana chakra Varna - colour of a mantra; colour; caste (especially applied to the
four principal castes); species; groups of letters in the Sanskrit
alphabet Varuni - one of the seven minor nadis, flowing in the lower pelvic
area Vasana - seed or inherent desire; subtle desire of the un
consciousness Vata - one of the three doshas; wind and gas Vatsara dhauti - a technique of dhauti, one of the six cleansing
practices of hatha yoga (shatkarma), in which air is swallowed
into the stomach and belched out Vayu tattwa - air element Vedas - most ancient scriptural texts of Sanatana dharma, com
posed before 5,000 BC, revealed to the sages and expressing knowledge of the whole universe; the four Vedas are: Rig,
Yajur, Sama and Atharva Veena - Indian lute Vijnanamaya kosha - astral or psychic (higher mental) sheath or
body Vilambha - one of the minor nadis